Inspect your parts through every step of the manufacturing process.
The Fulcrum is a revolutionary manual CMM, by employing three rotary axis Aberlink have created a compact and portable design enabling it to be used where it is needed, on the shop floor near your machine tools.
Designed to optimize inspection as parts come off the machine one op at a time, feeding back to the machining process at the earliest opportunity, before final inspection, before more expense.
A simpler user interface has been developed for Aberlink measurement software, making it even easier to use on a manual CMM, while retaining full functionality. After manually scanning the part, critical features are automatically recognized, and dimensions automatically displayed.
Intuitive software and innovative design means you’ll be measuring your parts within minutes of switching on the Fulcrum CMM, even with no prior operating experience. It will quickly become the tool of choice for jump-on, ad-hoc inspection, whether checking 1st off inspection, small batch quality control, or setting CNC machines. The Fulcrum is the easiest CMM to learn and use.
Making measurement easy - every Aberlink CMM is supplied with the industry standard Aberlink 3D measurement software. World renowned for its easy-to-use, yet powerful interface, Aberlink is the only leading CMM manufacturer to offer zero-cost annual software maintenance contracts or subscriptions and free software updates, including all major releases. This means cost of ownership is very low and ensuring rapid ROI.